Did you know the periodontal disease can negatively affect your health in many ways beyond your oral health? Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an oral health condition that often results due to poor oral hygiene.  If left unchecked, periodontal disease will destroy your gum tissue and eventually cause tooth loss. However, there are even worse conditions that... read more »
Replacing the missing teeth in your smile is important. Yes, restoring lost teeth will help your self-esteem and enhance your appearance, however there are other benefits. Restoring your teeth will help you to speak more clearly, and chew your food more effectively. Additionally, gaps in your smile will allow your other teeth to drift out of alignment, and provide places... read more »
If you are wondering what the difference between holistic dentistry and traditional dentistry is, then you have come to the right place! It is important to remember, each dentist in any branch of dentistry has their own approach and style of the practice. Holistic dentistry uses their personal experience and professional study of things like acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, therapeutic massage,... read more »
Restoring your smile with teeth whitening treatments can dramatically improve your appearance. Not only will your smile look better, but your self-esteem levels will receive an enhancement as well. Take your oral health care to new heights with teeth whitening. For more information about teeth whitening treatments, see below: If you would like a whitening kit to use at home... read more »
Have you ever asked yourself why root canals are helpful for teeth? The answer is especially important because if a tooth needs a root canal, it means the tooth is already in danger and is going to die without the treatment. A root canal preserves the tooth by extracting the pulp, which is the nerve center of the tooth. Usually,... read more »
Depending on your oral health needs and wishes, there are benefits and perks to both dental crowns and dental veneers. Depending on your needs, each one has a distinct set of advantages, although they are both extremely effective at upgrading and enhancing teeth that are damaged or stained. In the case of dental veneers, they exist as thin shells that... read more »
Eat healthy foods this summer to improve your oral health. Although many foods are just another obstacle that stands in the way of optimum oral health, did you know that there are some foods that have been proven to actually enhance your oral health? Listed below are some helpful foods and tips for your oral health with the wonderful benefits... read more »
By Heather Mistretta Mercury is in the air, water and soil. In fact, it’s even in the earth’s crust! It’s natural, so that’s good, right? Well, according to some, that might not be the case. And as the old adage says, too much of a good thing can be bad. The most common way mercury is used is in dental... read more »
Do you have a gap in your smile? If so, you must be missing one or more teeth. It’s important to replace your missing teeth before additional complications occur, like misaligned and chipped teeth. It’s also beneficial to replace them so you can finally have a smile you love. One beneficial tooth-replacement option is a dental bridge. A dental bridge... read more »
Here at John J. Tortora, D.D.S., we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »