March holds a special place in the hearts of dental professionals and patients alike, as it marks Dental Assistants Recognition Week. This week is dedicated to celebrating the invaluable contributions your dental assistant makes to the dental practice, ensuring its smooth operation and enhancing your care and treatment. In essence, hard-working dental assistants are the backbone of every dental office,... read more »
As we dive into February, the month of love and American Heart Month, it’s fitting to explore the intricate connection between your oral health and the wellness of your heart. While it is tempting to compartmentalize different aspects of your health, emerging research continues to underscore the interaction between seemingly unrelated areas. One such revelation that has gained significant attention... read more »
As the calendar turns to a new year, it’s an opportune moment to pause, reflect and embark on a journey towards better health and happiness. While resolutions often center around fitness and nutrition, the significance of oral health should not be overlooked. As you consider your dental resolutions for the coming year, why not set the stage for a brighter,... read more »
As the days get shorter and the temperature steadily drops, we instinctively seek to warm up by donning extra layers to stay warm. While we take great care to protect our bodies from the chilly temperatures, we might not give much thought to how winter can affect our oral health. In fact, cold weather can pose unique challenges to our... read more »
This November (National Diabetes Month), we are looking at how diabetes impacts your oral health. It’s essential to recognize the interconnectedness of your overall health with your dental health in general and explore how making healthy choices can significantly benefit both areas of your health and well-being. The Diabetes-Oral Health Connection Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your... read more »
When we think of oral health, we often envision regular check-ups, dental cleanings and the occasional restorative filling. However, there’s a growing movement in dentistry that goes beyond the traditional approach and we are proud to be a part of that. Holistic dentistry, also known as biological or integrative dentistry, takes a comprehensive view of oral health. It acknowledges its... read more »
The Oral-Systemic Connection to Alzheimer's Poor oral hygiene and the neglect of oral health care are associated with an increased risk for myriad health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and early death. Emerging evidence suggests that oral disease can affect what goes on in our brain - and may even potentially affect our risk for cognitive decline, dementia... read more »
For the month of September, we welcome National Gum Care Month, a timely reminder of the importance of maintaining healthy gums during every stage of life. Our gum health, like the four seasons, evolves with age, requiring varying degrees of care and attention. From childhood to adulthood and into the senior years, our gums go through transformations, each with their... read more »
By Kristen Pratt Machado On Sep 11, 2023 Trace Heavy Metals Linked to Periodontitis (This does not include Fluoride and Mercury, Silver, Tin, and Copper from Silver Amalgam in your mouth already that is continually being swallowed.) In a nationwide research effort conducted by Chinese scientists, the impact of essential trace heavy metals commonly present in tap water on periodontal... read more »
European Union Commission Proposes Comprehensive Measures to Phase Out Dental Amalgam Use By Kristen Pratt Machado On Sep 8, 2023 Initially, the European Union (EU) had set a target to phase out the utilization of dental amalgam by the year 2028. However, their recent "Proposal for Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council" aims to discontinue the use... read more »