Depending on your oral health needs and wishes, there are benefits and perks to both dental crowns and dental veneers. Depending on your needs, each one has a distinct set of advantages, although they are both extremely effective at upgrading and enhancing teeth that are damaged or stained.
In the case of dental veneers, they exist as thin shells that are permanently placed atop your teeth, preferably visible teeth in the front of your mouth. Veneers can be customized and crafted for the look you desire, but they can also be shaped to help correct misalignments due to spacing issues that may exist with your teeth.
Dental crowns not only cover up the fronts of teeth as veneers do, but they cover up all sides of a tooth so that the tooth is completely protected down to the gums. This not only allows for a total makeover of the tooth’s aesthetics, but it prevents further damage in the future.
If you are showing signs of dental damage, come visit John J. Tortora, D.D.S. for crown and veneer treatment today. With the helpful support of Dr. John Tortora, Dr. Myrna Eskandar and our wonderful team at our office in Brick, New Jersey, we can take your smile to its maximum potential. To schedule an appointment, call us at 732-295-1616. We will get you back to smiling once more!