All About Root Canals

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Have you ever asked yourself why root canals are helpful for teeth? The answer is especially important because if a tooth needs a root canal, it means the tooth is already in danger and is going to die without the treatment. A root canal preserves the tooth by extracting the pulp, which is the nerve center of the tooth. Usually, when the pulp becomes damaged, it must be removed to stop the spread of infection or disease.

The pulp of a tooth is often considered its life force because it is in the center of the tooth and contains the key parts of the tooth. The pulp contains the connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve endings for the tooth. If your tooth enamel is broken or cracked, your pulp could be in danger. If the pulp becomes infected with bacteria that have entered the tooth, a root canal is likely necessary.

Root canals are the last option for teeth that have not already been successfully treated for cavities. If a cavity exists, the longer it remains untreated, the greater the chance for bacteria to seep into a tooth and cause irreversible damage to the pulp. Pulp can also be damaged by severe blunt trauma or any form of oral accident or injury that has left a hole or crack in the tooth enamel of a tooth.

If you have a damaged tooth, come visit John J. Tortora, D.D.S. to discuss your options. With the helpful of Dr. John Tortora, Dr. Myrna Eskandar and the team at our office in Brick, New Jersey, we can repair your smile. To schedule an appointment, call us at 732-295-1616. We are here to help you get the healthy smile of your dreams!